The Second Leading Cause of Lung Cancer

Most of us could guess that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, but many people have never heard of the second leading cause. Below is the Who/What/When/Where/Why about Radon.

Who: All homeowners in Middle Tennessee should test for Radon. 

What: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is inert, colorless, and odorless. Outside, Radon will disperse rapidly and is generally not a health issue. As we build houses Radon gas becomes trapped indoors in crawl space or holes and cracks in the foundation. 

When: It is important to test for Radon in a couple of situations. 1)Newly purchased home 2)If you have not had your current home tested 3)Every 2 years as routine maintenance on your home. 

Where: Middle Tennessee, with its unique rock and soil conditions we are at higher exposure levels than other parts of the country. You can go here and see how your county compares to others in Middle Tennessee for exposure to Radon.

Why: Again, it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer and many don’t know they are being exposed to it.

You can take cost effective steps to reduce and control the amount of radon in your home, but you must test to determine your current Radon levels. Schedule your 48 hour Radon testing today.


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